ROSSYRIE Ltd. corrporation

acquaintance work price questionnaire special product! rus
The Ladies and Gentlemen!

Our company refers to supply of natural medicinal vegetation (the root, herbs, sheet, fruits, cortex ).
We have an artificers on collection of natural vegetation (herbe oficinalis).
We have natural and cultural collection vegetation.
We are ready to co-operate with You and present our product.
The Product, which we accompany the certificate a quality is collected in ecological, natural zone.

Our assets:

- a multiple workmans
- active office-managers
- a bases of keeping and conversions
- a bases of the transport

We open, for all forms of the business development.
We ready, consider your offers and define the mutual benefit.

Our enterprise has a perennial experience of the work on the market medicinal and technological vegetable cheese. Our principles of the work -a speed and quality, honesty and probity. In work, We follow the permanent prospect a cooperation, rather then disposable, doubtful deal.

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